Stage Shots
““...the comically foppish Valere, played by Robbie Harrison…”
Steve Feeney, Portland Press HeraldThe School for Husbands (2024)
““Robbie Harrison’s Luke, the lone boy in the troupe, wisely hangs to the periphery but has a nice moment on the road with his mother.”
Steve Feeney, Portland Press HeraldDance Nation (2023)
““Robbie Harrison makes a sympathetic and deeply agonized Prior Walter.”
Carla Maria Verdino-Süllwold, BroadwayWorld MaineAngels in America Part I: Millennium Approaches (2024)
““ of the greatest delights of this production is how stratospherically Harrison and Micalizio manage to suspend our disbelief, slipping seamlessly between utterly different sets of human beings...The whole cast is all-in on the absurdities, fleet and nimble and excited to draw us into the chaos...In all, there’s much to celebrate here.”
The Portland PhoenixThe Comedy of Errors (Fenix Theatre Co., 2021)
““As the ebullient Scott Gibson, Robbie Harrison is perfectly cast – warm, enthused, with a musical voice and nimble form. In his knee socks and space-themed shirt, his eyes wide, he fully captures the wonder of childhood and then keeps it alive in the young man who studies and strives.”
Megan Grumbling, The Portland PhoenixApollo: To the Moon (2021)
““It is a marvel to observe two young men, Quinn Corcoran and Robbie Harrison, manifest all the parts, and be their own musical accompaniment to boot, as they sing their way to solving a crime...the duo have talent and energy to spare to perform this engaging 90-minute madcap comedy...When not guffawing at jokes, jaws will still be open in wonder at the sheer talent displayed here. Harrison, at one point, bends over the piano from behind it to play left hand to Corcoran’s right while not losing a beat in music or comedic timing.”
Bangor Daily NewsMurder for Two (2019)
““The cast is dominated by the virtuoso performance of Robbie Harrison in the title role of the inveterate liar, Dorante, who dashes his way through the play with one charming mensonge after another, turning the lies into a captivating form of art. His linguistic delivery is fluent and energetic; he captures the mercurial swings of the character and changes masks with insouciant ease.”
Carla Maria Verdino-Süllwold, BroadwayWorld MaineThe Liar (2016)
““Robbie Harrison takes the lead role and runs with it, firing off barrages of lies to get his character from one moment to the next in his pursuit of a young woman whose name he’s confused with that of another.”
Megan Grumbling, The Portland PhoenixThe Liar (2016)
““The remainder of the cast contributes excellent cameos with Christopher Hoffman as Louis, Robbie Harrison as Mike...and as an ensemble, they should be complimented for the consistency and accuracy of their dialect work.”
Carla Maria Verdino-Süllwold, BroadwayWorld MaineA View from the Bridge (2014)
““Robbie Harrison leads Christopher Hoffmann in a brief but perfectly funny scene as Eddie’s two buddies can’t stop laughing at Rodolpho's difficult-to-describe comedic appeal, Harrison spitting pieces of apple with hilarious abandon.”
Megan Grumbling, The Portland PhoenixA View from the Bridge (2014)

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